Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Bridge To Nowhere

Bridge to nowhere:
In 2006 Palin ran on the platform "Build-the-bridge" saying," It was essential for local prosperity." She also said,"I will not allow the spinmeisters to turn this project, or any others into something so negative." Soon after people began to criticizes building the bridge, she flip-flopped, and decided she was now against the bridge. Ketchikan Mayor, where the bridge was to be built, Bob Weinstein, criticized Palin for call it a "bridge to nowhere" in her RNC speech, because in 2006, Palin said the name "bridge to nowhere" was insulting.Palin has said over and over again,"thanks but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere." but she kept that "bridge to nowhere" MONEY! Give us back our money ! watch below

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