Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Common Facts

*Pro Life
*Thinks creationism and evolution should be taught in schools.
*Against same sex marriage
*Member of Feminist For Life
*Doesn't believe people effect global warming
*Has a 150.00 bounty on wolves in Alaska
*Says she'll sue the Interior Department over putting Polar bears on the endangered species list.
*In the 19 months she was Governor, she billed the tax payers over 43,000.00 for food and lodging, even though she was home 312 of those days.
*She did not fire her chef, she gave her a new , hirer paying job.
* She tried to get certain books ban form the library.When the Librarian disagreed with her she fired her.The community was outraged, and Palin re-hired her 3 days later. To Sara's defence, she says that is not why she fired her. She said she felt the librarian didn't give her her full support and it had nothing to do with her voting for her opponent.

note: There was a rumor of Palin having an affair with a business man she worked with.At this time,McCain/Palin has threatened to sue sources of that story.Since then stories have been removed and pages deleted. Since those pages are no longer available, like they were, it stands as a rumor.

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