Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Controversy Over Baby Trig


This subject right here is very touchy , as it could prove to be one of the biggest scandals ever.Running for VP, she has cast some unwanted spotlight on her family. I respect Obama saying the family is off limits.Thus , I will not go to in depth details, but I will state some facts and show some photos.The big controversy online is that Sara's daughter Bristol, may be the mother of Trig.The news is not covering this story because they cannot prove or disprove the rumors. There are a lot of underlying stories with this, so you'll have to do your own homework on this one. It's harder to find now, but its out there.

So, here are the facts:

*Palin waited til March 3rd to announce she was pregnant. Trig was born April 18th, 6 weeks later.

*NONE of her employees knew she was pregnant.They were shocked by the news.

*Everyone in Alaska was shocked about the pregnancy, and rumors began to swirl.

* During this time, Bristol was removed from school for 5 months, saying she had Mono.(the kissing disease)

* While Bristol was supposed to be home sick with Mono for 5 months, she got 3 tickets and was involved in a car accident at a picnic.

*Fox News has exclusive video they have been showing on t.v. about the everyday life of Sarah while she was pregnant with Trig. During the show, she keeps asking,"where's Bristol?" ,and then at one point she tells her husband to call Bristol's phone.During the entire video, there is no footage of Bristol, even though she was supposed to be home sick with Mono.

* On the morning of her big speech in Texas, she noticed she was leaking amniotic fluid. She Said,"I was not going to miss that speech!"

* She called her doctor, Dr. Baldwin, and said she was given the OK to fly to Texas to give her speech, even though she was leaking amniotic fluid.* she took a 7 hour flight to Texas , and gave her speech.

*None of the other Senator or Governors at the speech was aware that Palin was pregnant.

*After the speech, she took a 7 hour flight to Anchorage. Airline Rep. Caroline Boren said, "Gov. Palin was extremely pleasant to the Flight Attendance, and her stage of pregnancy was not apparent by observation, as she didn't show any signs of distress."

*Once she arrived in Anchorage,after leaking fluids for more than 14 hours, she drove 45 minutes to the Matsu hospital in Wasilla.

*Mastu has a listing of 2 babies being born on April 18th, and neither one is Trig.

*Palin will not released the medical records , or the birth certificate.

* Dr. Baldwin no longer works at Matsu Hospital.

Let me just say this now, no one is judging Bristol for getting pregnant as a teen. It happens all the time. No one is shocked by that. The point is, this story isn't adding up, and if her MOTHER is lying about any of this, we have the right to know, because it goes to her character and values, since she is running for Vice President of The Untied States of America! Let me say this again, No one is slamming Bristol , or the Palin family.They are not our interest, and frankly none of our business.But this is not about the Palin family, this is about Sara Palin and her actions.
Pictures: 1

1. Cover of US Weekly

2. A comparison of Palin pregnant with Trig at 7+ months , and Her first son at 6 months

3.Palin days before giving birth

4.Palin giving an interview at 7+ months, right after stating she was pregnant.

5.Bristol not pregnant. She's not a chubby girl.

6.Palin family. Pay attention to Bristol's stomach

7.Who's showing in this picture,Sara or Bristol?

8.Bristol and her boyfriend Levi

9-11. These a picture from Levi's sister's myspace page. Read the captions!

12.picture of the Fox exclusive video of Palin

UPDATE 9/16/08: Picture number 3 is not a picture of Palin when she was pregnant with Trig. This is a picture of her pregnant with her youngest daughter.
There are more updates to come,especially for the "troopergate" story. I'm still waiting for the news to catch up to me, and checking a few more FACTS, to make sure they are that,FACTS.
Thanks so much for the comments :*) I hope you'll read the other topics too.


anon said...

Keep up the good work. I hope the MSM picks up on the oddities. Also, current National Enquirer says that Sarah Palin threw Bristol out of the house, upon finding out she was pregnant, forcing her to switch schools and go live with her aunt... If that's true, then the timing would make Bristol having been pregnant back in December 2007 (in time for Bristol to be Trig's mom)

John Nail said...

We too have been covering "Waterbreak Gate" Or "Babygate"
and I am now calling it "Judgmentgate".

This will come out if the Enquirer does not have it already.

Visit my blog:

PS - If you use the terms above in the post or in your tagging Google is picking them up.

I look forward to touching base.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you and the others trying to get to the bottom of this story.

I think the key is dating the picture of Bristol in the green dress with the baby bump. I think it is from March 2008, which means that Bristol couldn't be Trig's mother. The "official" date is 2006, but Bristol and Piper are definitely older than they look in the Dec. 2006 inaugural picture. But it also means that Willow somehow got YOUNGER, compared to pictures readily dated.

This begs the questions:

1) Where was Willow?
2) Who is the person labeled as Willow?
3) Why couldn't Willow be Trig's mother?

Recent video and pictures of Willow indicate that she could definitely bear children, and it makes sense that they would move heaven and earth to protect Willow.

Also this explains why Sarah Palin would wait so long to fake the pregnancy and take Bristol out of school. Bristol was going to cover for Willow, but got pregnant herself so Mom had to cover at the last minute, no matter how ridiculous it looked and sounded to the people around her. All the rest, including photos after Sarah Palin announced, are as much evidence that she faked it as that she was actually pregnant.

But Sarah Palin's story of the labor and delivery of Trig is implausible on its face. Someone please show me where a woman knew she was in labor somewhere, then traveled 4000 miles by air and gave birth somewhere else the day. It could never happen that way. Anyone who believes it is deluding him/herself.

Anonymous said...

i think this story really needs to be heard, but the main stream media wont touch it, because they dont want to get sued, which i can understand. but with this troopergate thing going on, i think her whistle is blown either way. go Obama!

Anonymous said...

yo dude its a done deal
trig isnt palins!

Anonymous said...

Too bad the press doesn't investigate Wetbackbama and his Muslim master Bin Laden. Let's see what country was he from when he got student loans from harvard, was it Indonesia?

Anonymous said...

and you would be surprised about this! look at that crazy bachmann spreading rumors about the india trip costing so much money and her other lies and people vote for these people ---why they are just as crazy as these two nuts!

Anonymous said...

This baby is certainly tiny enough to have a 14 yr old mother. And Bristol doesnt look pregnant or post pardem in the pic of her standing over him with her sister in law. Neither does Sarah, so who does that leave behind? Also note the drastic change in Willows appearance in the photos. There it is. THeres the mommy.